Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cloud Computing has huge potential in Indonesia, but it has to be secure

Cloud Computing has a huge potential ini Indonesia, according to Prof. Richardus Eko Indradjit from Perbanas in a roundtable discussion held by Kaspersky Lab, one of the leaders in Internet security, in Jakarta this week. There are multiple reasons. Among others, Indonesia has thousands of SMEs. These SMEs do not have adequate resources to buy, maintain and secure their information systems by themselves. With Cloud Computing, they can rent the services from the providers who reside inside the Cloud. This model alleviates the need for Capital Expenditure (Capex), which can overwhelm the SMEs. The Capex is converted into Operational Expenditure, which is more manageable. At the same time, the providers of the Software as a Service will be able to offer low cost to the users due to economies of scale. "The more parties using it, the better," explained Eko.
In addition, according to him, Cloud Computing is very attractive because businesses will no longer have to deal with technology complexity. The SMEs and also the corporations will be able to transfer their risks to the third party, namely, the service providers in the Cloud. Neither will they be burdened by the technology obsolescence problem, as technology may change before the ROI is reached.

However, Eko reminded, Cloud Computing inherently brings multiple risks. He raised a number of questions, such as who are those in the Cloud? Who manages the participants in the Cloud? Who are responsible for liabilities? What are the rules of the game in the Cloud, which involves multiple players? What is the model for managing database and information in the Cloud?

More specifically, prospective users of the Cloud's services should inquire how their data is protected? How do the providers address vulnerabilities? How do they mitigate attacks and exploitation? Eko warned, the strength of a chain is the same as the strength of its weakest link.

Therefore, security in the Cloud is the security of the Cloud's users.

In the meantime, Magnus Kalkuhl, Senior Virus Analyst, Global Research and Analysis Team, Kaspersky Lab, said that, whether we realize it or not, we are already using the Cloud in a lot of our activities, especially sending and receiving e-mail using Web mail.

To protect themselves in the Cloud, companies should make sure that the providers do not only promise security but show how they deliver it.

Next, everyone is too enthusiastic about the Cloud but they can count on it that the Cloud may fail as the Cloud is on the Internet, and the Internet does fail. What to do if the Internet fails? “Do you have a backup system or you would just simply have to wait until the Internet resume its services?” he challenged.

The freedom to switch is also very important, because every user has the right to switch to another service provider. If the service provider is an unreliable or a not trustworthy one and it is too costly or too difficult to change, then the user will be forced into a lockdown with that service provider with an unreliable system. Magnus reminded us of the importance of trust. "People need some degree of trust when they want to use the services offered by the Cloud," he stressed. That is why it is extremely important for users-both personal and businesses-to use the services of trustworthy and reliable providers, particularly a trustworthy security provider.

Monday, April 12, 2010


VoIP technology is the telephone communication technology through the Internet. Internet organizers can use either one network to distribute data, multimedia and voice (VoIP). In contrast to the organizers carrier / telecommunications should take care of conventional data communications, separate voice and multimedia. This conventional organizers had to spend the budget and should have the expertise to handle each section.

VoIP organizers, do not use separate networks to deliver data, video, and voice. So that VoIP can be concentrated to a single data network and the gate of the data to the data and video and sound. VoIP interconnection point with the conventional network is inside the entrance and exit gates VoIP. VoIP organizers do not need to have customers digerbang out into the conventional telephone network. Conventional network subscribed by the organizers of this out not by the users of VoIP VoIP itself. VoIP subscribers are customers in the VoIP gateway and this gate can be from organizers of conventional and IP organizers such as Yahoo, MSN, Skype, Unitec and others.

Costs incurred by users of VoIP services is a component of traffic using IP (Internet Protocol) and the "if any" conventional telephone network connection (either at the entrance, or exit). From the component IP network is the network that connects one point the computer (VoIP) throughout the world without needing to be limited by boundaries (DLD) or between countries (SLI). Every point that uses IP or VoIP ID and registered misconstrued one VoIP organizers both inside and outside the territory of Indonesia can be contacted from other VoIP organizers using IP or ID that registered it.

How do we become organizers of VoIP?

VoIP is not like conventional organizers are required to provide phone lines to the user. Become organizers of VoIP to VoIP VoIP sufficient enough to provide Internet access and devices to register the customer such as H232, Session Initiation Protocol or the Media Gateway control protocol (MGCP). VoIP organizers will not be able bekomunikasi with conventional telephone subscribers (PSTN) without a good gate entrance or exit (PSTN). VoIP organizers can choose to become organizers in the course entrance ataun exit gate only. If you choose to be definitely out of the gate will be shot paid organizers VoIP phone because the use of phone lines in place of interconnection with the PSTN in accordance with the channel used.

Eg VoIP subscribers using VoIP box in New York if you want to contact the local telephone in Sydney just a local charge shot 1 connection does not depend on time (Australia adopts a connection for local and for long distance toll). So if the price of a conventional SLI and prices such as $ 1/menit HDSL $ 50/bulan then if we use a permanent SLI 1 hour $ 60 is required to use VoIP from HDSL call from the telephone from New York to Sydney for a month can.

My example has an Internet connection at home with a subscription to an ISP in Indonesia for domestic rates. I made my account on Yahoo, I know there are VoIP gateway to the telephone network in Sydney. By way of components that I pay only a monthly internet fee and fare gate usage in Sydney not telephone IDD rates between Jakarta to Sydney. Now we're back position, the user calls in Sydney to a conventional telephone VoIP gateway VoIP in Sydney to a box that I use in Jakarta. Users in Sydney after my VoIP connection, and listen to commands IVR (Interactive Voice Response - Digital Operator) then dialed Indonesia. IVR will forward the call via a conventional telephone line, if the user is a local call to Jakarta by the organizers then my phone will only be shot conventional telephone local pulse Jakarta. Conventional telephone organizers langganpun I'll also get a paid even more than if I did not use my phone as a VoIP gateway. There was no fraud or theft of credit as long as I pay in accordance with the use of such telephone.

Mass media in recent weeks to inform the existence of fraud kok pulse in our opinion it's too weird .. whereas almost all the banking companies and oil exploration have been using VoIP with VoIP gateway that is behind their local phone.

How VoIP works:

Voice Over IP need a converter from voice to digital data (IP) at the end of the sender and the digital data converters (IP) to the sound end of the recipient. This is the basic one-way delivery of VoIP that we probably more familiar with the stream. Examples of this system is digital radio broadcasts via satellite. To make VoIP phone could replace the required two pairs of these components at two points so that users can talk to each other. Yes as we speak our opponents should also be able to talk and listen too. Other components of VoIP is the part that regulates VoIP connections such as H323, SIP and MGCP, second is a digital service (if required) IVR. IVR does not require more operators and can work alone.

What is the difference VoIP with conventional phone?

VoIP users can be started in the Internet by using a PC to PC, PC to the VoIP box, VoIP box into the VoIP box. This box can be a VoIP phone or VoIP, such as integration with the Linksys Wireless. In this model we do not see any problems and can be developed either through commersial IP network (Internet Service Provider) or community-based (called RT / RW net by Onno P). With a 2.4Ghz frequency and the number of exempted equipment the VoIP box allows the community organizes itself by using the VoIP system neighborhood, complete with gates and out into the conventional telephone network.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Canging the Computer and Workgroup or Domain Name

To alter or change the computer name and ungrouped was not difficult. Because Windows already provides an easy way to melakukanhal it. Generally, users of Windows Vista or Windows 7 uses the method that is relatively common, ie click Start, click Control Panel, then click the System and Security, then select it and click System. After that the system dialog box appears immediately, then click Change, and System Properties window appears immediately. Here we can only modify or replace the computer name, including domain names in the computer group or Windows 7 you.

Actually, there easy ways, namely by writing the command from the command prompt, the command is "systempropertiescomputername" followed degan pressing the Enter key. Once the System Properties dialog box appears you click Change, and then immediately perform the next dialog box, type your computer name in the column on the Computer Name and Domain or Group column type in the name of your group or domain from your computer. Then click OK to close the dialog box and you can meresrat your computer.

Friday, April 2, 2010


A few tens of years ago the traditional markets and small shops in the corridor and suburban areas are always full of visitors and buyers. And of course with these stalls can be a living community and is a field for them to wash rupiah. But now the existence of these shops began almost displaced by the presence of franchised stores from the corner of the city down to the villages with a variety of amenities. In addition, traditional markets are now virtually even with the rampant crashing diseantero department store corner of the city with relatively the same price and convenience facilities.

DialMart recent years also begun public interest. Businesses that rely on this ordering of goods via telephone even more crowded and more comfortable society, because the shop just up the phone, and within a relatively short period of ordered goods coming soon.

The existence of computer networks especially the Internet, the rampant lately, then this is a business opportunity and is a field that will never run out. With Internet technology, we are good people in big cities and in the region could use the internet to wash rupiah even though the dollar. How? Is the business through cyberspace or the internet need a big capital? And how the transaction dilasanakan?

How do business on the Internet?

If you are establishing distribution, convenience store or a franchise store of capital required is very large. Because in addition to providing a place or rent a shop and buy or order goods for display at the store. Also required a lot of power or salesman, and so forth. What is clear if we will build the business as it needs to do a feasibility study aspects of the business including financial, juridical aspects, geographic aspects, market aspects and so forth. This is different if the will to do business via the virtual world, here does not require a besart store, no need for employees, and does not need to set up warehouses to store goods for sale.
Business through internet is very fun and profitable, because we have enough space or hosting menydiakan in one of the providers are paid or free. Today is pretty much available free hosting which can be used to do business in cyberspace.

At the beginning of the internet bumnya was to create a website specialized expertise is required, but currently not the case, because it is already available templates and software are ready to use generators. Even if we're going to make a website or blog only take in a matter of minutes and a few steps. Website or blog that we fill with pictures of items to be sold, ranging from apparel, school bag, up to luxury goods. In a website or blog is enough to show us the full picture with price. One thing is very important is a tool that can be reached, such as e-mail, telephone and so on.

For example, you will market spatu Cibaduyut through the website, which must be done is to make these spatu photographs, then upload a photo and gives a brief description of these spatu, ranging in price, size, materials used, and so forth. Market or sell in the virtual world is often referred to as "Cybermall", one example of a successful Cybermal is an e-CompanyStore the alamanya

To facilitate the public do you have to mencatumkan transaction payment method, can use a credit card or debit from an account. Thus marketing spatu Cibaduyut not limited in Bandung city alone but has been marketed extensively throughout the world even without having to get lost.

Indeed for the moment the buyer is relatively limited and for certain classes only. With more and more people who understand the Internet, in a relatively short time in this business will be more intense. Buyers generally order using a form that has been provided with or can also e-mail or SMS. And for you as service providers would have to continue to monitor the progress of transactions through the web and e-mail address. While to send the item you ordered but did not need to have enough employees take advantage of courier services which are now reaching the ground water even peloksok world.


How do promotions in cyberspace? To do business wherever necessary course of promotion. For businesses in the virtual world is very easy and a lot of media promotion of both paid and free. Today quite a lot of PPC systems around the world, but of course tiidak all big and known to the public, such as Google AdWords PPC aktir become one of the most famous in the world who use the addresses on the Internet . This is evident from the google search engine and meruipakan perform only one search engine is very well known and widely used. Well here is GoogleAdWords placing millions of PPC ads every day.

Likewise with who also did not lose big. He placed advertisements in Yahoo heyday. Where were still dominant and yahoo is the only search engine. Please note that the overture was the first time the company issued a system-based PPC search engines or search engine.

Then Microsoft is also quite good with MSN adCentre. Where did the time MSN is Microsoft's online service. MS AdCenter dipungikiri Tidk several years ago in general get a PPC ad content from Yahoo. But for now Microsoft has built their own PPC system and of course stop the ads from Yahoo. In addition there are many more like FindWhat with address that is currently better known as MIVA also still esksis.
Likewise with an address in the Looksmart, Enhance address, the address ePilot, Kanoodle and address. Besides this there are many such penyelenggrana way, but not all Up PPC provides facilities for the blogger or that have a Website.

Seek additional

What if you will do business with limited capital? Facility has only one unit or a PC Laptop Intel Core 2 Duo powered with 1 GByte of RAM? Later at home you just have a phone line? And you have akes to the Internet with dialup or ADSL konksi. Is the facility you have been able to do business in? Certainly more than enough to do business on the Internet. One solution might be to do business through the virtual world or the internet.

Then the question might arise within you, if I can? Since I do not have special expertise, especially related to computers. To do business in cyberspace do not have to have special expertise, because for the moment everything is completely easy to do, almost instantaneous and self-contained, whatever it takes you just click and play.

For example, one week ago I GoogleAdsense register. In my website I try to add the search engine of google and some content that is necessary. Unexpected result, in just a matter of days my skin has been filled pretty good.
In the report you can see the various events associated with the addition of either dollars into my account and the number of impressions and searches as well as visitors who click on ads that appear on my website. From the arrival of these ads? Does anyone want to advertise your website yard? Of course there are many. In this case you do not need to find enough registers to the Adsense ads or other organizers Publisher existing local and overseas. There are a few Up the PPC (Pay Per Click) requiring traffic from But not all of them require that, Google Adsense alone there is no requirement stuff. Dibuatpun website or blog that could use a variety of languages, can speak Sundanese, Javanese, Indonesian language, but certainly a better use of English.

You may be asking my website and blog content Cibaduyut selling shoes can increase revenue with ads? This of course depends on where you create a blog and what language is used in your website or blog it. If you create a blog on may be difficult to get the ad, because not all of the PPC to provide facilities for it, but if you create a blog on You can get an ad.

Please note you can also use WordPress, just buy the domain with hosting providers. So, if you will sign up and buy a free domain name using the language and design according to your wishes. But if you'll use the blog, then use so you will easily get the ads without having to look for it.

In conclusion, by selling in cyberspace or CyberMall, there are several advantages for you. First you can promote your product to foreign countries must be equipped with even without formal legality. Then you can also use the website or blog to wash rupiah or dollars with PPC advertising (PR 25/6/2009). And, more importantly to sell or do business on the internet does not need a fancy building or shop, do not need employees and salespeople, do not need big capital and can be done anywhere, anytime and by anyone.