Monday, April 12, 2010


VoIP technology is the telephone communication technology through the Internet. Internet organizers can use either one network to distribute data, multimedia and voice (VoIP). In contrast to the organizers carrier / telecommunications should take care of conventional data communications, separate voice and multimedia. This conventional organizers had to spend the budget and should have the expertise to handle each section.

VoIP organizers, do not use separate networks to deliver data, video, and voice. So that VoIP can be concentrated to a single data network and the gate of the data to the data and video and sound. VoIP interconnection point with the conventional network is inside the entrance and exit gates VoIP. VoIP organizers do not need to have customers digerbang out into the conventional telephone network. Conventional network subscribed by the organizers of this out not by the users of VoIP VoIP itself. VoIP subscribers are customers in the VoIP gateway and this gate can be from organizers of conventional and IP organizers such as Yahoo, MSN, Skype, Unitec and others.

Costs incurred by users of VoIP services is a component of traffic using IP (Internet Protocol) and the "if any" conventional telephone network connection (either at the entrance, or exit). From the component IP network is the network that connects one point the computer (VoIP) throughout the world without needing to be limited by boundaries (DLD) or between countries (SLI). Every point that uses IP or VoIP ID and registered misconstrued one VoIP organizers both inside and outside the territory of Indonesia can be contacted from other VoIP organizers using IP or ID that registered it.

How do we become organizers of VoIP?

VoIP is not like conventional organizers are required to provide phone lines to the user. Become organizers of VoIP to VoIP VoIP sufficient enough to provide Internet access and devices to register the customer such as H232, Session Initiation Protocol or the Media Gateway control protocol (MGCP). VoIP organizers will not be able bekomunikasi with conventional telephone subscribers (PSTN) without a good gate entrance or exit (PSTN). VoIP organizers can choose to become organizers in the course entrance ataun exit gate only. If you choose to be definitely out of the gate will be shot paid organizers VoIP phone because the use of phone lines in place of interconnection with the PSTN in accordance with the channel used.

Eg VoIP subscribers using VoIP box in New York if you want to contact the local telephone in Sydney just a local charge shot 1 connection does not depend on time (Australia adopts a connection for local and for long distance toll). So if the price of a conventional SLI and prices such as $ 1/menit HDSL $ 50/bulan then if we use a permanent SLI 1 hour $ 60 is required to use VoIP from HDSL call from the telephone from New York to Sydney for a month can.

My example has an Internet connection at home with a subscription to an ISP in Indonesia for domestic rates. I made my account on Yahoo, I know there are VoIP gateway to the telephone network in Sydney. By way of components that I pay only a monthly internet fee and fare gate usage in Sydney not telephone IDD rates between Jakarta to Sydney. Now we're back position, the user calls in Sydney to a conventional telephone VoIP gateway VoIP in Sydney to a box that I use in Jakarta. Users in Sydney after my VoIP connection, and listen to commands IVR (Interactive Voice Response - Digital Operator) then dialed Indonesia. IVR will forward the call via a conventional telephone line, if the user is a local call to Jakarta by the organizers then my phone will only be shot conventional telephone local pulse Jakarta. Conventional telephone organizers langganpun I'll also get a paid even more than if I did not use my phone as a VoIP gateway. There was no fraud or theft of credit as long as I pay in accordance with the use of such telephone.

Mass media in recent weeks to inform the existence of fraud kok pulse in our opinion it's too weird .. whereas almost all the banking companies and oil exploration have been using VoIP with VoIP gateway that is behind their local phone.

How VoIP works:

Voice Over IP need a converter from voice to digital data (IP) at the end of the sender and the digital data converters (IP) to the sound end of the recipient. This is the basic one-way delivery of VoIP that we probably more familiar with the stream. Examples of this system is digital radio broadcasts via satellite. To make VoIP phone could replace the required two pairs of these components at two points so that users can talk to each other. Yes as we speak our opponents should also be able to talk and listen too. Other components of VoIP is the part that regulates VoIP connections such as H323, SIP and MGCP, second is a digital service (if required) IVR. IVR does not require more operators and can work alone.

What is the difference VoIP with conventional phone?

VoIP users can be started in the Internet by using a PC to PC, PC to the VoIP box, VoIP box into the VoIP box. This box can be a VoIP phone or VoIP, such as integration with the Linksys Wireless. In this model we do not see any problems and can be developed either through commersial IP network (Internet Service Provider) or community-based (called RT / RW net by Onno P). With a 2.4Ghz frequency and the number of exempted equipment the VoIP box allows the community organizes itself by using the VoIP system neighborhood, complete with gates and out into the conventional telephone network.

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